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iColumn 12/24 is a brand new solution for fully automated nucleic acid purification. Utilizing the silica membrane spin column method, it can purify nucleic acids with high yield and purity from wide range types of samples. In addition, through our Innovative Trinity Technology, the purification procedure can be done within a small and straight-line cartridge. Without centrifuge and vacuum pump, the workflow becomes extremely easy and different samples can be arranged in an independent channel to avoid cross contamination.
iColumn is a fully walk-away system from Lyse, Bind, Wash, Dry to Elute steps. By controlling the pressure difference, the liquid flows up and down through the silica-based membrane featuring non-directional during the purification process, and finally goes to the the elution tube as eluate we need. Robotic arm can connect Trinity by itself and move along with the iCartridge. All movements are in same axis.
Reproducible Yields and Purity of Genomic DNA
Pure, Consistent Yield and High-Integrity RNA
High Sensitivity of Viral Nucleic Acid As Manual Procedure